little oakland creatures

guess who joined the band...

just made it

champion of a game i didn't know we were playing

the masterpiece-of-pizza

foot-loose and wheat-free

a little competition


i think the webkins are up to something

it's a marshmallow world in the winter

oh tidings of comfort and joy

squishing your head

an old tradition in a new location

3 is the magic number

quiet on three!

alligators are everglades...crocodiles are bayou

dap it y'all

who...who...whooo made this adorable pillow?

rock on

meta-baker blog

no pictures at the moma please

i let you win


the salmon cycle


omfg! cookie puss!

a W is a W

#1 fan

play under review

go irish

the aspect ratio's lost-and-found...item 0005

the aspect ratio's lost-and-found...item 0004

the morning after

let it be

that's the stuff i'm looking for

happy Tofurkey day!

sushi so good, we sell them!

a new friend

oh bananas

it's all fun and games...

you gonna eat that?

mutilated lips

take me away...again

bennie, you' so crazy!

a midnight snack

dan in real life

nobody's home

with their own bare hands

we had the best time at your party

insert egg-cellent yoke here